Digitech Rp255 Driver For Mac

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Your post MUST contain information! Please add a detailed description to posts and titles. With Christmas approaching, I just wanted to warn you all about DigiTech product's (lack of) compatibility with your computers. DigiTech hardware and software may not work with Windows 10. It also may not work with OS X El Capitan, but I have not personally tested that.

DigiTech has no release date or ETA for updated software and drivers, either. The response I got from them regarding this issue is 'We're working on it.' This means that if you plan on using your DigiTech products with a new Win10 PC or a new Mac, or if you have one of those computers with a modern OS and plan on buying DigiTech gear for yourself or a family member, it probably will not work.

I was burned by this a week ago, when I tried updating my pedal's firmware via the Nexus software on Win10 and it nearly bricked my pedal. I had to use my fiancee's work PC and install the software and drivers in order to complete the update and get the pedal out of Update Mode.

If I hadn't had another computer, the pedal would be essentially bricked. After completing the firmware update, the Nexus software still does not communicate properly with the device for patch editing or routing the audio into the PC for recording. I called support about this issue and they had a few troubleshooting ideas, none of which worked. They also said 'there's a warning on the website, you should have read that first.' The installer does not prevent you from installing on Win10, nor does it warn you of any compatibility issues.

Things I tried to remedy the issue:. used compatibility mode: I tried Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8 compatibility mode, none of which had any effect. tried different USB ports: I unplugged all other peripherals and tried every port, both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports. ran the installer in compatibility mode, no dice.

tried all the above running the software as administrator. Just a warning guys, yes I'm pissed about this, especially since Windows 10 has been out since April(?). I don't want anyone else to get burned like I did. I love my pedal, it is really a great piece of hardware, it's too bad DigiTech can't get their shit together for the software side of things. I bought an RP360 that I use for playing at the house. I, too, had the 'nearly bricked my device' experience. Bought it on the cheap on a Friday night and messed around with it plugged straight into my VJ at low volume.

Digitech Rp255 Patches

A bunch of presets, most of them stuff I wouldn't use. The next morning I connected to the computer via USB and d/led the Nexus app. It immediately prompted me to back up the existing firmware and update to the newest firmware, which I did.

The updater hung. I left it alone for a long time, fearing exactly what you were talking about - turning this brand new device into a brick. Digitech (Harman, actually) tech support is Mon-Fri, business hours. Forget about actually reaching anybody on a weekend. I emailed them and started looking for posts from people who had experienced the same sort of issue. What I was experiencing sounded like what he was experiencing, so I did what he did.

Eventually the firmware updated and I've been able to use it as intended. I like it for what it is - a cheap alternative to laying out big money on a new Line 6 or Boss device. Some people think it sounds like shit, apparently. But, I can say that I'm really happy with it. It sounds pretty good through my VJ and I like being able to use headphones for as silent a practice session as anyone in this house is ever going to see. Overall I'm glad I bought it.

Digitech Rp255 Driver For Mac Mac


I wish they would get their heads out of their asses with regard to the software they put out and the support they put behind it. I know I'm done w/ firmware updates. I didn't have the hung update problem, rather, I continuously got 'update failed, reconnect the device and try again'. After about 2 hours of trying again, I gave up and called support to try and get the device out of Update Mode so I could use it again.

They weren't very sympathetic and their advice was to check the website often for the software update, and that their engineers were working on it. Also quick to point out that it was no longer covered by warranty since I've had it for more than a year.

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