How To Enable Macros With Ms Office 2016 For Mac


How To Enable Macros With Ms Office 2016 For Mac


By Macro security is a key feature in Excel. The reason is that VBA is a powerful language — so powerful that it’s possible to create a macro that can do serious damage to your computer. A macro can delete files, send information to other computers, and even destroy Windows so that you can’t even start your system. The macro security features introduced in Excel 2007 were created to help prevent these types of problems. Check out the Macro Settings section of the Trust Center dialog box. To display this dialog box, choose Developer → Code → Macro Security. Excel’s warning that the workbook just opened contains macros.

You see this warning if the VBE is not open. Excel will remember if you’ve designated a workbook to be safe. So the next time you open it, you won’t see the Security Warning.

How To Enable Macros With Ms Office 2016 For Mac Download

Perhaps the best way to handle macro security is to designate one or more folders as trusted locations. All the workbooks in a trusted location are opened without a macro warning. You designate trusted folders in the Trusted Locations section of the Trust Center dialog box. If you want to find out what the other macro security settings imply, press F1 while the Macro Settings section of the Trust Center dialog box is in view. You’ll get a Help screen that describes the security settings.

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