Matlab R2014b For Mac

Now that I have a, I decided to upgrade my old machine to the latest version of macOS. Updates for Microsoft Office are no longer available for OS 10.9 (Mavericks) or earlier, so this upgrade was long overdue. Installing the 5GB upgrade took about an hour, but since I was upgrading from Mavericks this broke a bunch of installed software. If you are a software developer, I’d advise you to set aside an afternoon to fix this mess. The first surprise was that the Xcode command-line tools were no longer working: $ g -version xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun These needed to be reinstalled from scratch: xcode-select -install Unfortunately, the latest (January 2017) CUDA Toolkit 8.0.61 is incompatible with Apple LLVM 8.1.0: nvcc fatal: The version ('80000') of the host compiler ('Apple clang') is not supported So after upgrading the XCode command-line tools, I then needed to downgrade again.

  1. Matlab R2014a Mac Patch

The was still working, since it was correctly installed in /usr/local/bin, but it was now giving a worrying error message: gfortran: warning: couldn’t understand kern.osversion ‘16.4.0 I decided it was better to reinstall these as well. This gave me version 6.3.0 of GCC, g and gfortran. R still ran from inside RStudio, but it was no longer on the PATH.

I would advise reinstalling R from scratch, so that the R executable will be located in /usr/local/bin where it belongs, rather than wherever the macOS upgrade scripts have relocated it to! I upgraded to the latest RStudio as well, for good measure.

Likewise with LaTeX, /Library/TeX/texbin was hosed. I could no longer compile any TeX documents, even from inside TeXShop or RStudio. Happily, this did not require a reinstall, just a modification of the PATH and the TeXShop preferences to point to the new location. RStudio ignores any.profile or.bashrc in your home directory, so you need to edit the system-wide PATH: sudo vi /etc/paths Java apps (such as JabRef) gave an interesting error message: To open 'JabRef' you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime. Which is yet another reason to abandon Java! But alas, JabRef remains the best reference manager for BibTeX files. Internet bookshop italia for mac.


Matlab R2014a Mac Patch

Certainly, the one that comes with MacTeX is pretty awful. If only they had used Qt, like RStudio does. As for MATLAB,: If you are running MATLAB R2013b or earlier a patch for these releases is not available. Please update to MATLAB R2014a or later to use MATLAB on macOS Sierra. I tried installing R2014a as suggested above, but it just crashes with a segfault immediately upon launch.

Matlab R2014b For Mac

R2017a appears to be running fine, but of course this can create compatibility issues with existing code. For all of the idiosyncrasies in R that are due to backwards compatibility with S, at least they are careful not to arbitrarily break things every couple of years! If you’re distributing your research code in MATLAB, you might as well be writing in Fortran and storing it on punch cards in a shoebox.

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