Shivers For Mac

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I'm waiting for the next in the series. The music is fun, the graphics are great and there are lots of interesting places to explore, puzzles to solve, things to find and tit-bits to read. Also, I mustn't forget to mention that all the dialogue is sub-titled so if you have any hearing difficulties you can buy this title without hesitation. There are ample save game slots and the interface is simplicity itself with a single cursor which works well with this type of game where there are not a lot of inventory items and you are not manipulating objects in the game world.

Download Shivers For Mac

Shivers For Mac

I'm waiting for the next in the series. The music is fun, the graphics are great and there are lots of interesting places to explore, puzzles to solve, things to find and tit-bits to read. Also, I mustn't forget to mention that all the dialogue is sub-titled so if you have any hearing difficulties you can buy this title without hesitation. There are ample save game slots and the interface is simplicity itself with a single cursor which works well with this type of game where there are not a lot of inventory items and you are not manipulating objects in the game world. Despite its considerable problems, Shivers still manages to deliver a greatly entertaining experience. The game manages to successfully create an eerie atmosphere as soon as you enter the museum grounds.

The soundtrack nicely enhances the mood and the graphics still look fairly pleasant eleven years after the release of the game. While some environments could have used a little more polish, much of the game shows a good deal of attention to detail and clever design. The puzzles vary in terms of difficulty and style, but many of them should be quite entertaining for adventure gamers.

Fortunately, wandering around the museum is, at least for a while, an interesting experience. The displays are eerie and fascinating, and the mystery surrounding the museum is unveiled through the personal belongings of the missing persons. Unfortunately, once you've seen all there is to see, traipsing back and forth searching for objects you've already found becomes a repetitive chore, and the game loses some of its allure. In the end, Shivers is a game that has a look and feel guaranteed to get your attention, but may lack the depth of play to keep it for the long run. Shivers is Sierra On-Line’s second attempt to develop an adventure game in the horror genre. The first attempt with Phantasmagoria has met with mixed feelings by game critics.

Shivers For Windows 7

Pictures for mac

Inspired by a personal interest in archaeology, game designer Marcia Bales also elicits the help of Roberta Williams (who is the writer of Phantasmagoria) as a consultant to the script writing. To enhance the replay value of Shivers, a new game concept based on “random play” is introduced.

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This nonlinear design has raised much mixed praise and criticism. Its eventual cult status has made Shivers one of the sleeper hits in 1995.

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